ESG & Sustainability Policy

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria are intrinsic to who are as a company; and while sustainability motivates us and underpins everything we do at Dunwell, we are keen to promote these values through practice and partnership. Our policies ensure that we rigorously comply with the highest standards of environmental sustainability, organizational management, data governance, conduct and more.

Total Quality Policy

“Total Quality Is Total Customer Satisfaction”

Dunwell is committed to pursuing excellence, and we strive to exceed the expectations of our customers and partners. We aim to achieve total quality by ‘doing the right things’ and ‘doing things right the first time’ – on time, and every time.

We provide continuous training and improvement for our quality system to ensure it meets standards and customer requirements.

To us, total quality is total customer satisfaction.

Environmental Policy

Dunwell recognizes the importance of preserving natural resources and minimizing adverse impacts on our environment. We remain focused on achieving and maintaining a high standard of care in conducting business as an environmental and industrial corporation. 

As part of our ongoing efforts, Dunwell focuses on the following initiatives:

  • Comply with or exceed all applicable laws, regulations and standards; and minimize any adverse environmental impact resulting from our operations, products or services
  • Ensure that our employees, contractors and suppliers of goods and services are fully informed of this policy and are aware of their environmental responsibilities when conducting business with Dunwell
  • Provide training to enhance employees’ environmental protection awareness
  • Adopt 14000 Environmental Management Systems to identify, control and monitor any environmental impacts occurring from operations
  • Continuously research, establish or support programs to conserve and recover resources, minimize waste, use recycled products and improve processes
  • Help educate local industries and the public on their environmental responsibilities, on proper waste disposal, and on recycling and reusing resources.

Integrity Management Policy

Dunwell forbids all forms of bribery and corruption and is strongly committed to integrity and honesty in doing business. All directors and staff (hereafter referred to as ‘personnel’) must comply with our integrity policy and its associated rules and guidelines.

  • Our Company and all personnel are obligated to observe the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201) and Competition Ordinance (Cap. 619) in Hong Kong, as well as relevant laws in other jurisdictions where business is being conducted
  • Our Company forbids personnel to solicit or accept any advantages from any individuals or organizations having business dealings with our Company, unless permission is granted for acceptance
  • Our Company forbids personnel from offering advantages to any staff member or personnel from a government department or public body while engaged in dealings of any kind with them. We also prohibit all personnel from offering advantages, whether directly or indirectly through a third party, intended to influence them in any dealing, to any individual from any organizations conducting business with our Company
  • Our personnel are required to avoid accepting lavish or frequent entertainment from others engaged in business dealings with our Company
  • Our Company requires all personnel to avoid any conflict of interest situations, or perception of such. If unavoidable, the personnel concerned should make a declaration to the approving authority who will decide on the actions for mitigating the conflict
  • All personnel are prohibited from disclosing any classified information without authorization, and from misusing any Company information
  • Our Company maintains an internal reporting mechanism for personnel to enquire on matters relating to integrity and to report possible breaches of integrity requirements. Our Company handles these reports promptly and in strict confidence
  • Our Company strictly forbids retaliation against any personnel who, in good faith, have reported possible breaches of integrity requirements, or who is participating in the inquiry/investigation of the allegation
  • Any personnel in breach of integrity requirements will be subject to internal disciplinary action, including termination of appointment and/or referral to relevant law enforcement agencies
  • Our Company is committed to partner with ethical businesses that share the same values and commit to the same standards of integrity.