Municipal Water Treatment

From wastewater reuse (MBR), water purification and resource management to plant maintenance and operation services, Dunwell’s comprehensive water treatment portfolio demonstrates how reclaimed water is a viable long-term strategy with significant application potential.

Water is crucial to every aspect of our lives. Unfortunately, freshwater is increasingly scarce in many parts of the world, and a global water crisis is looming. Recycling wastewater, most of which goes untreated, would ease shortages while protecting the environment. This is where Dunwell’s multi-dimensional municipal water treatment service steps in.  

From wastewater reuse (MBR), water purification and resource management to plant maintenance and operation services, Dunwell’s comprehensive water treatment portfolio demonstrates how reclaimed water is a viable long-term strategy with significant application potential. As part of the Hong Kong Government’s Total Water Management program, Dunwell has installed more than 170 systems in Hong Kong.

The effluent produced from Dunwell Membrane Bio-Reactor (DMBR) is reused for ground and facility washing, toilet flushing and landscape irrigation, contributing to a more sustainable urban ecosystem. By turning wastewater into a viable resource, it is the best investment a plant owner can make.