A proprietary plant-based blend of organic micronutrients that stimulates specific aerobic, anaerobic, and facultative bacteria species.

Wastewater treatment plants, landfills and compost facilities are challenged with high and fluctuating costs related to energy usage, sludge accumulation and odour complaints.  When a facility is under pressure from rising demand and aging infrastructure, problems escalate.  BIOLOGIC® SR2 is just the right “Solution” and Dunwell is proud to announce our agreement with SciCorp International Corp for the exclusive distribution rights of BIOLOGIC® SR2 for Hong Kong and Macau.

BIOLOGIC® SR2 is a proprietary plant-based blend of organic micronutrients that stimulates specific aerobic, anaerobic, and facultative bacteria species. The product enables the rapid elimination of odours and reduction of biosolids. BIOLOGIC® SR2 does not contain bacteria or enzymes and is non-toxic and environmentally friendly.

Eco logo
Bacterial Floc


  • Reduce aeration energy costs
  • Stop odours and related complaints
  • Improve Stability of Solids
  • Reduce sludge and biosolids volumes
  • Accelerate the compost process
  • Increase biogas production


  • Container office
  • Rooftops 
  • Water pipes 
  • Iron-sheet factories 
  • Building walls 
  • Floors 
  • Greenhouses

Case Studies


  • Rapidly eliminates odours; reduces formation of H2S, ammonia and mercaptans and eliminates complaints from workers and neighbors
  • Accelerates the breakdown of biosolids and reduces operating costs related to aeration and sludge handling and disposal by up to 25%
  • Reduces fats, oils and grease and scum
  • Increases activity rates of bacteria and biological treatment efficiency
  • Significantly reduces accumulated organic sediment/sludge in holding tanks
  • Increased removal efficiency and reduces effluent concentrations for BOD, and COD


Adding BIOLOGIC® SR2 to a composting operation has been demonstrated to significantly reduce odours and accelerate the decomposition process. It is specifically engineered to stimulate desirable, naturally occurring bacteria present in composting matter.


Employing BIOLOGIC® SR2 in your composting operation will help reduce ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, accelerate the decomposition process, and increase fertilizer value of the end products. Under typical composting conditions, these micronutrients are frequently the limiting factor for the growth and development of desirable bacteria. With the addition of BIOLOGIC® SR2, the biological pathways are no longer inhibited due to the lack of essential nutrients and as a result, biological activity and metabolism is substantially increased.


  • Improved plant performance and capacity
  • Speeds up composting
  • Increases fertilizer value of product
  • Decreases ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans and methylamines
  • Improves public relations
  • Improves workplace conditions
  • Elimination of odour


  • Accelerates the breakdown of biosolids and increases methane production by up to 30%
  • Increases activity rates of bacteria and rate of composting and biological breakdown of organic material/waste
  • Prevents odours from sludge/biosolids
  • Eliminates odours from landfill working face/cover and leachate ponds by reducing formation of H2S, ammonia, and mercaptans
  • Eliminates complaints from workers and neighbors


  • Accelerates the breakdown of biosolids and increases methane production by up to 30%
  • Increases activity rates of bacteria and rate of composting and biological breakdown of organic material/waste
  • Prevents odours from sludge/biosolids
  • Eliminates odours from landfill working face/cover and leachate ponds by reducing formation of H2S, ammonia, and mercaptans
  • Eliminates complaints from workers and neighbors


  • Reduces fats, oils and grease and scum
  • Significantly reduces animal mortality via ammonia/H2S control
  • Eliminates odours: reduces formation of H2S, ammonia and mercaptans and eliminates complaints from workers and neighbors
  • Significantly reduces solids accumulation in manure ponds/tanks
  • Significantly reducing pump out/dredging frequency


  • Reduces fats, oils and grease and scum
  • Significantly reduces animal mortality via ammonia/H2S control
  • Eliminates odours: reduces formation of H2S, ammonia and mercaptans and eliminates complaints from workers and neighbors
  • Significantly reduces solids accumulation in manure ponds/tanks
  • Significantly reducing pump out/dredging frequency

*BIOLOGIC and SciCorp are trademarks of SciCorp International Corp.

Manufacturer’s address: 13-3300 Ridgeway Drive, Mississauga, L5L5Z9, ON, Canada