A wide array of spill controls that put you at ease.

Oil and chemical spills can disrupt operations, contaminate plants and cause large-scale, irreversible environmental damage. It’s always better to take preventive measures than clean up the aftermath.  

Dunwell offers three types of spill control products to put you at ease.

Absorbent is a quick, easy and inexpensive control product for oil and chemical spills. All absorbents are made with pure polypropylene, whose fine fiber structure delivers a much higher absorption capacity.

Spill Kit 
Spill kits are tailored for the quick containment and handling of small-scale spill incidents. They equip on-site personnel with the gear and material essential to minimize the environmental impact at the earliest possible stage.

Drum Container
Drum Container is a leakproof, highly mobile containment module designed with easy portability and workplace safety in mind. It comes in a variety of sizes and configurations that cater to your particular operational needs.